


You wish to reg­is­ter your child for the first time at the Lycée Français de Vienne.

To pro­ceed, please reg­is­ter on our school’s online platform:

  • If none of your chil­dren attend or have attend­ed the Lycée Français de Vienne,cre­ate an EDUKA account .
  • If one or more of your chil­dren is or has been reg­is­tered at the Lycée Français de Vienne, please acti­vate your pass­word using the email address you gave us when you reg­is­tered your child(ren) and at which you usu­al­ly receive infor­ma­tion about your child(ren)‘s schooling.

Reg­is­tra­tion is con­firmed upon pay­ment of the non-refund­able ini­tial reg­is­tra­tion fee.


Every year, the pupils must be re-reg­is­tered by their fam­i­lies for the fol­low­ing year.

The appli­ca­tion for re-reg­is­tra­tion is made online on EDUKA and is com­bined with an update of the con­tact details if necessary.

The process to be fol­lowed down­load

With the EDUKA mobile appli­ca­tion,down­load­able from Apple Store or Play Store, you can access your file at any time and receive per­son­alised news and notifications.

To down­load the mobile app: here

Code école 534624


Fam­i­lies leav­ing the Lycée Français de Vienne must inform the sec­re­tari­at of their school (Kinder­garten, Elen­tary School, Junior & High School). In return, they will receive the school-leav­ing form with the pro­ce­dure details.

Please note that the “exéat” or “cer­ti­fi­cat de radi­a­tion”, the con­fir­ma­tion of dereg­is­tra­tion, is avail­able upon the last day of school. To obtain it, pupils or their fam­i­lies must:

  • At the Kinder­garten (Mater­nelle): have returned all books bor­rowed from the Mater­nelle Library; have paid their bills to the admin­is­tra­tive and finan­cial services.
  • At the Ele­men­tary School: have returned all the books bor­rowed from the library (BCD); have paid all the bills to the admin­is­tra­tive and finan­cial services.
  • At the Mid­dle and High School: have returned all books bor­rowed from the library (CDI); have hand­ed in the school can­teen card and the library card to the Vie Sco­laire sec­re­tari­at; have paid all bills to the admin­is­tra­tive and finan­cial services.

Please also note that it is not pos­si­ble to col­lect school files in per­son. They are sent to the new school upon request.