Studio Molière

Stu­dio Molière


Stu­dio Molière is a venue with a pres­ti­gious his­to­ry. Bartabas, Léo Fer­ré, Jacques Der­ri­da, Isabelle Hup­pert, Robert Pinger, the Théâtre du Soleil and many oth­er French and Aus­tri­an artists per­formed here from the 1980s to the end of the 1990s. Until 1998, the Stu­dio Molière was owned by the Insti­tut français d’Autriche.

In 1998, Stu­dio Molière became the prop­er­ty of the AEFE, the Agence pour l’En­seigne­ment Français à l’E­tranger. Since then, it has been a facil­i­ty of the Lycée Français de Vienne.

In 2013Stu­dio Molière clos­es for renovation.

In 2018It has been brought back into ser­vice and will be open to the pub­lic again in 2019.

The Vien­nese are very attached to this venue, because it has embod­ied both a high-lev­el cul­tur­al venue dur­ing a peri­od when the Vien­nese cul­tur­al scene was (re)constructing its identity.