Special needs — action plans
Special needs — action plans
The Lycée Français de Vienne offers all the educational adaptations prescribed by the French Ministry of Education. These are educational measures to accommodate a pupil whose special needs have been identified and/or diagnosed.
The Personalized Schooling Project (Projet Personnalisé de Scolarisation, PPS) is intended for the children in situation of disability.
How to proceed?
The family seeks the help of a qualified physician who identifies the child’s disability. They may seek advice from the ÉBÉP referent for guidance in this process. Once the diagnosis has been made, the educational team meets and drafts the PPS. This document describes the schooling arrangements recommended to enable the child to succeed at school.
Example: implementation of support for pupils with disabilities by an AESH (Accompagnant d’Élève en Situation de Handicap).
The PPS is regularly evaluated during the schooling follow-up meetings and is completed by the school evaluation guide, the Geva-sco.
The Individual Support Plan (Plan d’Accompagnement Personnalisé) est destiné aux élèves présentant des difficultés scolaires durables en raison d’un trouble des apprentissages. For example: dyslexia, dyscalculia, dysorthographia, oral language disorder, developmental coordination disorder or attention deficit disorder with or without hyperactivity…
How to proceed?
The PAP can be proposed by the family or by the teacher. The physician ascertains the disorders and makes recommendations for the implementation of the protocol. The education team then meets and decides on the appropriate arrangements for the pupil.
The Individual Educational Success Plan (Plan Personnalisé de Réussite Éducative, PPRE) is intended for pupils not mastering certain skills and knowledge at the end of an educational cycle. It is also recommended for high potential or very precocious pupils.
How to proceed?
The PPRE is proposed by the teacher who informs the family. The educational team meets regularly to evaluate the PPRE’s effectiveness. If difficulties persist, it may be appropriate to replace the PPRE with a PAP.
The Individual Care Project (Projet d’Accueil Individualisé) is intended for children with chronic medical conditions. For example: allergies, food intolerances, diabetes.
This protocol facilitates the integration of the affected child at school, with, for example, schooling arrangements for regular blood sugar monitoring, or school follow-up in case of hospital stays.
How to proceed?
The family informs the teaching team about the child’s pathology. The teachers’ team meets to establish the PAI, with the assistance of the nurse and following the advice of the child’s doctor.