Special needs — action plans

Special needs — action plans

The Lycée Français de Vienne offers all the edu­ca­tion­al adap­ta­tions pre­scribed by the French Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion. These are edu­ca­tion­al mea­sures to accom­mo­date a pupil whose spe­cial needs have been iden­ti­fied and/or diagnosed.

The Per­son­al­ized School­ing Project (Pro­jet Per­son­nal­isé de Sco­lar­i­sa­tion, PPS) is intend­ed for the chil­dren in sit­u­a­tion of disability.

How to proceed?

The fam­i­ly seeks the help of a qual­i­fied physi­cian who iden­ti­fies the child’s dis­abil­i­ty. They may seek advice from the ÉBÉP ref­er­ent for guid­ance in this process. Once the diag­no­sis has been made, the edu­ca­tion­al team meets and drafts the PPS. This doc­u­ment describes the school­ing arrange­ments rec­om­mend­ed to enable the child to suc­ceed at school.

Exam­ple: imple­men­ta­tion of sup­port for pupils with dis­abil­i­ties by an AESH (Accom­pa­g­nant d’Élève en Sit­u­a­tion de Handicap).

The PPS is reg­u­lar­ly eval­u­at­ed dur­ing the school­ing fol­low-up meet­ings and is com­plet­ed by the school eval­u­a­tion guide, the Geva-sco.

The Indi­vid­ual Sup­port Plan (Plan d’Ac­com­pa­g­ne­ment Per­son­nal­isé) est des­tiné aux élèves présen­tant des dif­fi­cultés sco­laires durables en rai­son d’un trou­ble des appren­tis­sages. For exam­ple: dyslex­ia, dyscal­cu­lia, dysorthographia, oral lan­guage dis­or­der, devel­op­men­tal coor­di­na­tion dis­or­der or atten­tion deficit dis­or­der with or with­out hyperactivity…

How to proceed?

The PAP can be pro­posed by the fam­i­ly or by the teacher. The physi­cian ascer­tains the dis­or­ders and makes rec­om­men­da­tions for the imple­men­ta­tion of the pro­to­col. The edu­ca­tion team then meets and decides on the appro­pri­ate arrange­ments for the pupil.

The Indi­vid­ual Edu­ca­tion­al Suc­cess Plan (Plan Per­son­nal­isé de Réus­site Éduca­tive, PPRE) is intend­ed for pupils not mas­ter­ing cer­tain skills and knowl­edge at the end of an edu­ca­tion­al cycle. It is also rec­om­mend­ed for high poten­tial or very pre­co­cious pupils.

How to proceed?

The PPRE is pro­posed by the teacher who informs the fam­i­ly. The edu­ca­tion­al team meets reg­u­lar­ly to eval­u­ate the PPRE’s effec­tive­ness. If dif­fi­cul­ties per­sist, it may be appro­pri­ate to replace the PPRE with a PAP.

The Indi­vid­ual Care Project (Pro­jet d’Accueil Indi­vid­u­al­isé) is intend­ed for chil­dren with chron­ic med­ical con­di­tions. For exam­ple: aller­gies, food intol­er­ances, diabetes.

This pro­to­col facil­i­tates the inte­gra­tion of the affect­ed child at school, with, for exam­ple, school­ing arrange­ments for reg­u­lar blood sug­ar mon­i­tor­ing, or school fol­low-up in case of hos­pi­tal stays.

How to proceed?

The fam­i­ly informs the teach­ing team about the child’s pathol­o­gy. The teach­ers’ team meets to estab­lish the PAI, with the assis­tance of the nurse and fol­low­ing the advice of the child’s doctor.