Studio Molière

Studio Molière

The Stu­dio Molière belongs to the Lycée Français de Vienne, which has been ren­o­vat­ed and opened to the gen­er­al pub­lic in spring 2019.

It hosts a vari­ety of projects:

  • edu­ca­tion­al projects run by LFV teach­ers with LFV stu­dents, or by the stu­dents themselves,
  • exhi­bi­tions, screen­ings, live shows (dance, the­atre, music, etc.) put on by cul­tur­al part­ners from out­side the LFV,
  • sem­i­nars andcon­fer­ences corporate.


Jean-Bap­tiste Duhau

Stu­dio Molière 

Liecht­en­ste­in­strasse 37a

A‑1090 Vien­na — Austria

Tel. : +43 (0) 660 735 77 97