At Stu­dio Molière

Events, concerts and films : save the date ! 

Tues­day 10 Decem­ber — 6.30pm

L’Histoire d’Adèle H by François (1975) — Film evening at the INSTITUT FRANÇAIS D’AUTRICHE

In 1863, Adèle Hugo, daugh­ter of the famous writer, arrives in Hal­i­fax, Cana­da, alone and under a false name. It is soon dis­cov­ered that she is look­ing for Lieu­tenant Pin­son, with whom she is deeply in love but who rejects her advances. The film fol­lows her long wan­der­ings in love, which lead her to the brink of mad­ness. Run­ning time: 1h 35 min French, Eng­lish subtitles 

Fri­day 13 Decem­ber — 7.30pm

Pages Célèbres “Paris s’a­muse” — LA CHAMBRE CONCERTANTE WIEN

This con­cert, the third in the Paris s’a­muse’ serieswill give you the chance to (re)discover the great works of French orches­tral music by Bizet (Car­men), Fau­ré (Pavane), Debussy (Petite Suite) and Saint-Saëns (Danse macabre). It is sup­port­ed by STAFE (Sou­tien au tis­su asso­ci­atif des­français à l’é­tranger), set up by the French Min­istry of Europe and For­eign Affairs. 

Vocal prepa­ra­tion for the pub­lic from 6pm to 7pm at the Stu­dio Molière (free).

08, 12 and 15 Decem­ber — 7.00 pm 

The Nut­crack­er, Bal­let in 2 acts — ATTITUDE BALLET VIENNA

Dis­cov­er the enchant­i­ng world of ‘The Nut­crack­er’ pre­sent­ed by Atti­tude Bal­let Vien­na! Join us for a cap­ti­vat­ing two-act bal­let set to the time­less music of P.I. Tchaikovsky and exquis­ite chore­og­ra­phy by our Artis­tic Direc­tor, Lau­ra Cristi­noiu. Fol­low Clara and her mag­i­cal Nut­crack­er as they come to life, con­front the Mouse King and embark on a won­drous jour­ney to a cap­ti­vat­ing realm where they take part in dances from around the world. Watch the spell­bind­ing inter­pre­ta­tion of Sug­ar Plum’s icon­ic Pas-de-deux by the Wiener Staat­sop­er’s tal­ent­ed soloists Gaia Fre­di­anel­li and Jun­no­suke Naka­mu­ra. This year, pro­fes­sion­al dancers and our ded­i­cat­ed stu­dents come togeth­er to cre­ate a tru­ly mag­i­cal expe­ri­ence for the fes­tive season. 

28 and 29 Jan­u­ary 2025 — 7.30pm

Spiel­raumv­eren­gung — Die Resozial­isierung der Men­schheit — Con­cert — TONVOLL

What direc­tion should humans, soci­ety and the world take? This is the ques­tion posed by lin­guis­tic acro­bat Bern­hard Listabarth in the libret­to for SPIELRAUMVERENGUNG. In this play, almost no stone is left unturned. Peo­ple sing, talk and dance at break­neck speed. Life plans that are crit­i­cal of con­sumerism are called into ques­tion here, as are all oth­er human reac­tions to crises of all kinds. Audi­ences will leave SPIELRAUMVERENGUNG more thought­ful than they might expect from a musical. 

Infor­ma­tion and ticketing

Located in Vienna’s 9th arrondissement, the Studio Molière offers a multilingual and versatile programme: theatre, dance, classical music, jazz, film screenings, exhibitions, seminars and corporate events. 
Available for rental. 
Administration, informations and contact : Jean-Baptiste Duhau, administrtor.