At Stu­dio Molière

Events, concerts and films : save the date ! 

Wednes­day 25 April — 8.00 pm 

SUENA FESTIVAL — Contemporary Iberian-American music

Tratado de lo inasibe

Tick­et (€10/€5) online or at the box office at the entrance

Fri­day 26 April — 6.00 pm 

Hap­py as Abdal­lah in France — Lec­ture, read­ing — KARIM GUELLATY (in French)

Karim Guel­laty, a lawyer by edu­ca­tion, is Tunisian by father, French by moth­er and bina­tion­al at heart.

Heureux comme Abdal­lah en France is both a nov­el and a man­i­festo against igno­rance and obscu­ran­tism, a call for a human­ism that is lived, not by social mim­ic­ry, but by con­vic­tion. This book is a won­der­ful love sto­ry, a book that makes you stronger and wiser.

An event organ­ised by AMOPA-Aus­­tria, GIBS, the Lycée français de Vienne in coop­er­a­tion with the French Embassy, the Insti­tut français d’Autriche and the List bookshop.

Mon­day 29 April at 6.00 pm & Tues­day 07 May at 6.00 pm


After involv­ing 20 class­es from 6e to 1rea total of 511 pupils, in the nation­al com­pe­ti­tion organ­ised by La Grande Librairie ‘Si on lisait à voix haute’, the LFV is prepar­ing 2 inter­nal finals at the Stu­dio Molière, to which we are delight­ed to invite you. We look for­ward to see­ing many of you!

  • Mon­day 29 April 2024 at 6pm for pupils in 6e, 5e and 4e (“col­lège” category)
  • Tues­day 07 May 2024 at 6pm for pupils in 3e, 2de and 1re (“lycée” cat­e­go­ry)

Book your tick­ets now!

Tues­day 30 April at 6.30 pm 


The French Insti­tute of Aus­tria invites you to a screen­ing of the film Chien de la casse de Jean-Bap­tiste Durand.
Dog and Mirales are child­hood friends. They live in a small vil­lage in the South of France and spend most of their days hang­ing out on the streets. Their friend­ship is under­mined by the arrival in the vil­lage of a young girl, Elsa, with whom Dog becomes roman­ti­cal­ly involved. Con­sumed by jeal­ousy, Mirales has to let go of his past to be able to grow up and find his place.

Orig­i­nal ver­sion with Eng­lish subtitles
Run­ning time: 1 hour 33 minutes
Price: free — Reg­is­tra­tion required

Thurs­day 02 May at 6.30 pm 


A night with Offenbach

Who would­n’t dream of spend­ing an evening with Jacques Offen­bach, the king of operetta? Dur­ing the Uni­ver­sal Exhi­bi­tion of 1855, he took the oppor­tu­ni­ty to open a small the­atre on the Champs-Elysées: the Théâtre des Bouffes-Parisiens. New kinds of music appeared in the pro­gramme, and the audi­ence — the Sec­ond Empire bour­geoisie — were made fun of, the very peo­ple who came to lis­ten and laugh! Take a trip through the works of the great Jacques Offen­bach and relive the atmos­phere of the “Belle Epoque”: arias, duets, melodies and musi­cal inter­ludes from his most famous works.

This spe­cial con­cert offers the pub­lic the chance to join the artists in singing along to excerpts from Offen­bach’s best-known cho­rus­es. A par­tic­i­pa­to­ry and inter­ac­tive con­cert that gives any­one who’s ever dreamt of being on the artists’ side at a con­cert the chance to do it with their own voice!

Wednes­day 03 May 2024 — 7.00 pm / 8.00 pm 

SUENA FESTIVAL — Contemporary Iberian-American music

Trio Feedback | Dimitrios Polisoidis


Tick­ets (€10/€5) avail­able online or at the box office on the night.

Wednes­day, 20 March — 7:30 pm SHOW POSTPONED TO 4 MAY 2024


Sol­id, a per­for­mance by EDGAR-YVES

The Fes­ti­val cel­e­brates the Fran­coph­o­nie with a new show by Edgar-Yves, a French stand-up come­di­an of Beni­nese origin.

Tick­ets & reservations

Sun­day 05 May at 6.30pm

LA CHORALE DU LYCÉE (Staff association)

sings Rameau, Fau­ré, Trénet and Brel.

Fri­day 10 May 


The Nobel Prize for Lit­er­a­ture Abdul­razak Gur­nah will be at the Stu­dio Molière for an excep­tion­al evening

More infor­ma­tion com­ing soon…
Located in Vienna’s 9th arrondissement, the Studio Molière offers a multilingual and versatile programme: theatre, dance, classical music, jazz, film screenings, exhibitions, seminars and corporate events. 
Available for rental. 
Administration, informations and contact : Jean-Baptiste Duhau, administrtor.