Studio Molière


Studio Molière


The Stu­dio Molière: a the­atre, con­cert hall and cin­e­ma equipped with sound and light.

Descrip­tion :

  • 242 seats, 4 wheel­chair spaces
  • A 7 x 7.6 m stage (9.08 x 7.6 m with remov­able stage elements)
  • 2 movie screens
  • A Christie 4K, Dol­by 7.1 dig­i­tal projector
  • 2 dress­ing rooms with toi­lets and showers
  • A basic cater­ing infrastructure
  • A meet­ing room
  • A large exhi­bi­tion foy­er 23.5m x 7.5m

The Stu­dio Molière has a sep­a­rate entrance on Liecht­en­ste­in­strasse, which allows edu­ca­tion­al activ­i­ties to be sep­a­rat­ed from oth­er activ­i­ties at the Stu­dio Molière.

All Aus­tri­an gov­ern­ment guide­lines must be com­plied with when the premis­es are being rent­ed out, includ­ing those relat­ing to cater­ing, if snacks are being sold or distributed.

Down­load : Tech­ni­cal Rid­er Stu­dio Molière



Jean-Bap­tiste DUHAU

Stu­dio Molière 

Liecht­en­ste­in­strasse 37a

A‑1090 Vien­na — Austria

+43 (0) 660 735 77 97