

The teams at the LFV are com­mit­ted to work­ing with our stu­dents every day, with the aim of offer­ing each and every one of them the best pos­si­ble con­di­tions for real­is­ing their poten­tial, for grow­ing and devel­op­ing in peace and har­mo­ny through­out their education.

Specialist teams

To wel­come our stu­dents, the LFV teams are divid­ed as follows:

  • 180 teach­ers:
    • 77 in der École Mater­nelle (Kinder­garten) und der École Élé­men­taire (Pri­ma­ry School) 
    • 103 at Col­lège and Lycée (Mid­dle & High School)
  • 44 super­vi­so­ry staff (super­vi­sors, can­teen mas­ters, school life assis­tants and spe­cialised Kinder­garten staff)
  • 19 admin­is­tra­tive staff
  • 38 tech­ni­cal and ser­vice staff


Our staff includes

  • 46 are employed by the Vien­na Direc­torate of Edu­ca­tion to teach Ger­man as a moth­er tongue at all levels;
  • 156 were recruit­ed local­ly by the LFV;
  • 72 have res­i­dent sta­tus, i.e. staff sec­ond­ed by the French Min­istry of Edu­ca­tion to the AEFE, the French Edu­ca­tion Agency in for­eign countries;
  • 6 are French expa­tri­ates.


Con­sult : Organ­i­gramme 2024–2025