Councils and dialogue
Committees :
dialogue and concertation
The dialogue and consultation bodies are modelled on the French schools system.
It represents the extended school community and issues an opinion on all matters concerning the school’s pedagogical and educational issues. It meets regularly and makes an effective contribution to the Lycée’s educational and aurayonnement policy.
Il participe au bon fonctionnement de l’École Maternelle et de l’École Élémentaire. Il se prononce sur le règlement intérieur et donne son avis sur de nombreuses questions et actions pédagogiques et organisationnelles.
It contributes to the efficient operation of the Collège (Middle School) and Lycée (High School), and issues recommendations on pedagogical issues that are subsequently brought to the attention of the School Council.
What is the Council of Delegates for Middle School Life (CVC)?
It is a dialogue platform for middle school pupils, a place where adults and pupils can listen to each other and exchange ideas.
What is the CVC’s role?
The CVC makes proposals on:
- issues relating to the organisation of schooling, the organisation of school time, the development of the school project and internal regulations, as well as issues relating to facilities and catering,
- the organisation of personal work and student support,
- actions aimed at improving the well-being of pupils and the school climate, and promoting participative practices,
- implementation of the educational pathways set up at collège,
- training for pupil representatives.
Who can stand and who can vote? All students elected as class delegates for each level of the school.
All pupils elected as class delegates are voters. They elect their representatives to the CVC.
What is the Council of Delegates for High School (CVL)?
This is a platform for dialogue for high school students (‘2nde’, ‘1ère’ and ‘Terminale’), a place where adults and pupils can listen to each other and share ideas.
What is the CVL’s mission?
The pupils express opinions and make proposals that are brought to the attention of the School Council. The CVL has the following responsibilities:
- It submits proposals concerning the training of pupil representatives
- It is being consulted on
- issues relating to the organisation of studies, the organisation of school time, the development of the school project and internal regulations, as well as issues relating to facilities and catering,
- the organisation of personal work, individual support, guidance, support and help for students,
- information on guidance, school and university studies and professional careers,
- health, hygiene and safety, and the layout of areas dedicated to school life,
- on the organisation of sports, cultural and extra-curricular activities.
Who can stand and who can vote? All students in classes 2nde, 1ère and Terminale can vote and stand for election.
• At primary level, class delegates are elected from CP class and eco-delegates from CM1 and CM2. They represent their classmates in dealings with the Primary School Administration.
• Au secondaire, les délégués d’élèves élus par leurs camarades représentent leur classe, leur section ou le lycée au conseil d’établissement. La Proviseure et les CPE (Conseillers Principaux d’Education) organisent régulièrement un conseil des délégués.
• In secondary school classes, a head teacher coordinates activities between colleagues, pupils, parents and the school administration.
• At the end of the 1st term, parent-teacher meetings are organised to review pupils’ progress at school.
• Parent-school communication is conducted individually and with the representatives of the APL (link page) and UPEL (link page) parents’ associations.
• Delegates, parents and pupils sit on class councils.